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Swans Events' Complaint Policy 

Swans Events strives for high standards in service delivery and welcomes feedback from individuals, users of our services, stakeholders, funding bodies and anyone who works with us, on all aspects of our services. Such feedback is invaluable in helping us evaluate and improve our work. 

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction by an individual, whether justified or not.
Swans Events will take seriously any concern or complaint and will look into it promptly, for resolution as quickly as possible.

All staff, volunteers and Management team are required to read, understand and comply with this policy and its procedures.
A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing. 


This policy’s purpose is to:
To provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint 
To make sure everyone at Swans Events knows what to do if a complaint is received 
To make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way 
To make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired 
To gather information which helps us to improve what we do   
Ensure that complaints are monitored to improve our services
All complaint information will be handled sensitively, telling only those who need to know and following relevant data protection requirements.


Complaints Procedure

There are two stages to the complaint’s procedure: 

Stage One - Complaint
The person who receives an email/written/phone or in person complaint should: 
Write down the facts of the complaint , take the complainant's name, address and telephone number and their relationship of the complainant to Swans Events;
Tell the complainant that we have a complaints procedure, what will happen next and how long it will take 
Where appropriate, ask the complainant to send a written account by email so that the complaint is recorded in the complainant’s own words and signed by the complainant.


Stage Two - Investigation
All complaints at this stage should be dealt with by a manager. A copy of this complaints procedure will be attached. 
Complaints will be fully investigated, and a written response provided to the complainant within ten working days by the investigator.
If they need to meet with the complainant, they will do so within seven working days of receiving the written complaint.
We will send a detailed reply to the complaint. This will include suggestions for resolving the matter, such as reviewing of policies, staff development and training or appropriate improvement to our services.
Where the complaint is upheld an apology should be offered.

If after Swans Events has been through the two stages and the complainant is still not satisfied with the result, they should be advised that there is no further right of appeal with Swans Events but they could approach any of the following agencies for advice:


  • A solicitor

  • Citizens Advice Bureau


This should be done within one month of receiving the outcome from the appeal.
Complaints received anonymously will be recorded and considered, but action may be limited if further information is required to ensure a full and fair investigation.

Swans Events monitor and review the effectiveness of the company complaints handling process to ensure that this continuously improves and learnings from complaints handling are carried through into the organisation.

Complaints are reviewed annually to identify any trends which may indicate a need to take further action.   

Complaint Policy: Text
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